Wednesday 29 June 2011

Activity 3: Sinigang Abstract Model

After drawing our favorite food in 2D, we now have to convert our drawing into a 3D model.

Top View
 This is my interpretation of the taste of Sinigang. It has white razor papers emphasizing on the sourness of the soup, and the black circular represents the soup. As you can see there are black marking on the board, those are the boundaries. I was playing with the model and the light, thus they are the shadows. If I had ample time I would have placed plastic around to represent glass and more wire around the model.

The circular motions with black paper (representing the smoke of the soup).

Side View

Front View

You must wonder why I made the model round. Well I wanted to show the bowl and so I made it round. I didn't want to have a vertical line and so i slanted it. Sinigang is not just a one time thing. I will surely want to eat it again that's why it's a circular building. I suppose I should have molded it differently. Anyway, this activity was fun to do and challenging.

More to come!


  1. Hey whazzzzuuuuup optimist prime?

    So this is what it was. He he. Look I'm commenting. Guess who? I AM NEGATRON. Well, I'm sure you knew that by now because I just called you Optimist Prime. Your ex-boyfriend Sam is such a cockroach. No matter how many time we try to kill him he just won't die. Anyway.

    Saw you profile hee hee.
    You like Count of Monte Cristo? ME TOO! I've never watched it but I read the book. Man, Jose Rizal. Can you say plagiarism. Hahahaha, okay bye Bella.

  2. Haha! Hi Negatron. Thanks for having the patience to read this blogs. HAHA. They're not good as yours. :)

  3. whatever. stop being humble. you're good and you know it. :>

    or if you didn't know it, now you do.

  4. How I wish I am convinced. HAHA. Thanks..? Haha!

    If only I can comment on yours. =))
